Saturday, October 23, 2010

The ol' STS routine...

I had a loss of 5.5 last week, which was awesome!

I have been monitoring my weight this week and I can say with much certainty that I will not be showing a loss tomorrow. I think I'll be in the 0 to +1 range.

I missed one cardio day this week, and in its place I went to a friends house for dinner. We had spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, and a small glass of white wine. I know it was carb overload but it was a gathering of my school friends to unwind after a hectic week of presentations and papers. I NEEDED to get out!

I guess this post is just me mentally preparing myself for a 0 on the scale tomorrow, or a small gain. I'm trying to eat light and drink lots of water today (as I always do on Saturdays). I guess I'm not surprised - I never lose weight after a big number. I am going to go on the assumption that this WI and next WI will be little-to-none, and then if something happens, great. My body seems to have a pattern so I should listen and not get bent out of shape over it!

So here's hoping I have a STS tomorrow and not a gain :)

1 comment:

  1. At least you know the pattern and recognize it for what it is :)

    ~~~~skinny vibes tomorrow~~~~~~~~~
