Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weigh In Numero Cinq

Last week: 221.5
This week: 216.0
Loss this week: 5.5
Loss to date: 15 lbs

Total loss to date: 139 lbs!!

Oh yeah, I rock :)

Today's work out was pretty intense. We ran up and down a steep hill four times. Then we did some body bar exercises, leg workouts with the balance ball, planks, crunches and push ups. Following that we did walking lunges all the way up one of the main streets in the city (yay for cars driving by and watching us, haha) and jogged back. After that we had to run up and down the stairwell in the gym 10 times, each time doing either single step, double step, crossover step, hop. BLAH! I'm sweaty.

All in all it was a tiring work out as usual. My shmancy new exercise watch says I burned 1237 calories, I'm thinking about 60% of those were fat - so really about 742 cals.

I'm going to have veggie burgers and home made (baked) french fries for lunch. I don't even feel bad about it! I can afford it :)


  1. You are a ROCKSTAR girl. That is a fantastic weigh in. I need to draw some motivational vibes from you as I am teetering on the edge of the wagon at the moment. Keep up the great effort, you are galloping towards onderland :)

  2. Thanks!! I feel like I've finally got my groove back, and exercise is enjoyable again. I had a few rough weeks but things are going well now!
